Founded in 2019
The SPS was founded to represent the single largest body of knowledge in the field of establishing sales skills and improving sales performance
4 sales focused areas
Sales Force Development Sales Outsourcing Sales Systems Development Sales Consulting
Sales Research
Sales research activities to improve existing products and procedures & to develop new one.
Specialized Sales Services
Starting from your pipeline, through your sales force needs, then develop your business to reach your sales goals. 


of Experience
About Global SPS

We started in 2019 with few passionate Sales Pros who were ready to change the region.

Now we are growing and we're a force diving change in Sales industry. Our services are dedicated to all professionals who are looking to empower development, grow their network, and participate in sales competitions across the world. SPS Mission to inspire and empower future generations of sales professionals to realize their full potential, and help them get better chance in life and career. SPS Vision to become the hub for all sales professionals worldwide, Inspire and empower the future generations of sales professionals.

Global SPS Partners


SPS Members

Once a member, you should not just keep your involvement limited to the general meeting and any social events. Join committees, propose ideas to the executive board, ask questions, and stay involved and you will achieve even greater success than the average member.

SPS Trainers

There are a number of benefits and opportunities of pursuing sales training professionally. If you love sales, teaching others how to sell is a natural career that puts you in touch with the cutting-edge development of the sales profession. You keep your sales knowledge fresh and current, you create highly productive and excited students

SPS franchisees 

The demand for sales training is greater than ever. Global economic complexity combined with the need for an increasing number of higher skilled sales professionals is stretching the available pool of trainers. The training and development of sales trainers needs to become a priority of sales organizations.

I would like to welcome you to Global Sales Professionals Society, the voice of those who realize that real growth in our region will come through empowering and unifying human capital. The Society serves as a forum and platform to help sales professionals in developing their knowledge and experiences and building their alliances, so the success of our members means everything to us, and this is truly the essence of our activities in the SPS. We design, develop and build the most appropriate practices and best sales methods to achieve member's success and with your support as a certified and professional sales member we will definitely achieve this goal and mission. Once again, I thank you for your kind confidence in what we present, hoping that the Lord will crown us all with great successes to come. 

Abdullah Muhanna

Abdullah Muhanna

Global SPS BOG President 23-26
Global SPS

Board of Governors 23-26

Hamzah Aldabash

BOG Member 23-26

Tamer Abu Qahouq 

BOG Member 23-26

Faed Saleh

BOG Member 23-26

Ali Thiab

SPS Founder

Fadi Nijem 

BOG Member 23-26

Monzer Jweiles 

BOG Member 23-26

Mutasem AlSaheb 

BOG Member 23-26

David H Alhout 

BOG Member 23-26

Mohammed Tahboub

BOG Member 23-26

Mourid Safi 

BOG Member 23-26

Samir Aman

BOG Member 23-26

Ala Jetan

BOG Member 23-26

Iyad Al Jayousi 

BOG Member 23-26


SalesH2o CEO

Hamed Alfakeh 

BOG Member 23-26

Want to know more about Global SPS?

Global SPS Ranks

We'll help you build the skills you need in your career journey

Sales Pro

For Accreditation on this level, Sales Pro Should have at least 6 months of Sales experience, with jobs related to direct customer engagement and handling, powered with set of Sales competencies and skills, Professional Training Courses are not needed at this level.

Sales Expert

For Accreditation on this level, Sales Expert Should have at least 5 years of Sales experience, with jobs related to account management, powered with 200 points by SPS training system.

Sales Master

For Accreditation on this level, Sales Expert Should have at least 10 years of Sales experience, with jobs related to account management, powered with 400 points by SPS training system. Any member who has Master Degree will be accredited in this level.

Sales Guru

For Accreditation on this level, Sales Expert Should have at least 20 years of Sales experience, with jobs related to account management, powered with 600 points by SPS training system. Any member who has Doctorate Degree will be accredited in this level.

Certified Sales Trainers director

Global SPS

Inside SPS Pyramid


Sales practices vary by industry, and the factors influencing sales practice need some exploration. Besides firm-specific sales management, it has been argued that sales practices are also influenced by both external demand and supply conditions. Product characteristics have been pointed out as significant in determining variations in sales practice.


The complexity of sales management tasks has increased and broadened, such that sales managers are responsible for overseeing various functions according to their level in the sales management hierarchy. This study is the first we are familiar with that investigates the relationship between sales managers and sales skills (task-specific, internal, adaptive, and emotional intelligence) according to their level in the sales management hierarchy.


This pyramid facial makes three contributions to the sales literature. First, address the question "whether" and "how" sales process and sales skills matter relative to one another in shaping an individual salesperson's performance. Second, classify sales tasks of many kinds to construct elaborated process constructs that zoom in on the differences of sales processes among sales job types. Finally, develop and examine in a significant new way a construct reflecting cognitive empathy in the sales context.


All of these methodologies have a common goal: they are used to make better salespeople. The desired end results will be varied dependent on what is at stake and what can be achieved in real terms within the different target territories across all markets.

Want to know more about Sales Pyramid

Learn About SPS

We’ve created the resources you need to help you thrive.

The Sales Pyramid is a global, qualitative summary of the thousands of one-to-one, executive confessions about sales challenges that we ask each year to help guide our client companies. Instead of a detailed statistical analysis of sales problems, it is a qualitative compendium of objective categories designed to help companies determine the scope of their toughest sales challenges and prioritize their efforts to solve these problems. After asking the question "What are your company's biggest and most pressing problems in a list from top to bottom?" we then sort and collate the vast array of responses into simple and comparable charts that help us make quick work of analyzing the data. The result is that hundreds of different compounded, specialized, or vague problems are distilled into just a few clear, prioritized categories. These simple results are often the most important problems we help our clients solve.

Over the years, we have asked hundreds of sales leaders to list their most pressing challenges. Their responses are almost identical across companies and industries, and the following five challenges are consistently ranked as their most difficult problems. First and foremost is attracting and retaining salespeople who can really sell. Second is raising the performance bar for the entire sales organization. Third is developing an effective sales strategy, particularly during challenging times. Fourth is managing sales reps who cannot or will not achieve their sales objectives. Finally, determining which few behaviors to implement that will generate the biggest impact is always a problem. For many reasons, much of this frustration is unnecessary. However, it is becoming more difficult to solve the underlying issues, as customer needs change and the complexity and sophistication of world commerce continues to add new layers of sales challenges.

While you may have your own ideas of the specific roles in a pyramid sales organization and the functions they perform, it is important that you understand the key components and that the organization is designed to help sales. Typically, in pyramid-shaped organizations, the sales staff significantly outnumber the executive management. This is also a clue for you to understand the compact term pyramid as opposed to a wide base. This plays a key role in the success of this specific organizational sales structure and makes it different from other structures within the sales organization.

The downside of the pyramid organizational structure is a lot of hierarchy to have to navigate through to get anything done, but in a pyramid sales organization, that is the very reason this structure works so remarkably well. The sales pyramid is built on a very solid foundation of hunters that are wired for success in a sales position. This is surrounded with skilled professionals that are talented at seeking out new business opportunities because they are allowed to. Inside sales typically are also some of the highest paid professionals at companies that are pyramid shaped and their primary function is to feed the hunters.

Apply for Membership: Once you have decided what type of membership interests you most:

  • Associate member (free to join, you got your sales Rank)
  • Fellow member (Paid and you will enjoy all SPS unique set of benefits)

you will submit an application and pay your membership fee online. You may be asked to submit a copy of your unofficial transcript for verification, so be sure to have that handy when applying.

Decide What You're Looking for in Your Membership, If you want to learn more about sales, and possibly network with professional sales and marketing companies, SPS is the right fit for you.

Joining Global SPS can lay the foundation for a successful career in sales. Membership offers the opportunity to explore sales as a career opportunity while gaining hands-on experience, networking with company representatives, learning from sales professionals, and more. SPS, are passionate about advancing professional sales and offer valuable opportunities to advance your life in business. If you find it difficult to join SPS just write us at

Make An Appointment

Have any sales challenge on minds! Feel free contact us

About SPS Magazine

SPS announces the launch of the Sales Pros Magazine!

Sales Pros Magazine is an exclusive platform for our sales professional’s society, the first of its kind issued by SPS. The magazine aims to be a comprehensive source of information, communication, and professional development for all sales pioneers.
The magazine will include:

  • Rich content with specialized sales articles
  • Exclusive news from the sales world
  • Exciting competitions in the sales field